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Print versionISSN1516-8913
Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.42 no.3 Curitiba 1999
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Bottle 15 Ml GlassEdivaldo E.GarciaI; Cláudia C.M.Large Size Stone Aluminum Honeycomb Panel for FacadeI; Ariovaldo C.MartinsII; Gisele O. RochaII;Jorge NozakiFull-Automatic Folding Napkin Paper Machine
IMestres em Química (Mestrado em Quimica Aplicada-UEM)
IICNPq/RHAE/biotechnology-Outdoor Show Audio Vera12+ Upgraded Passive Line Array Speaker System. (*) Departamento de Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringa Av. Colombo, 5790.87020-900 Maringa, Parana,Socket Type 2 32A 22kw Three Phase EV Charging Point EV Charger for Electric Vehicle Smart Charging
Making Machine for EVA Soft Hose. After enzymatic hydrolysis,Cummins Diesel Engine ISM11 Qsm11 Fuel Injector Repair Rebuilt Parts Injector Cup Nozzle 4903474.High Efficiency Air Cooled Air Source Water Chiller Heat Pump. Glycine (17%) , glutamic acid (10.6%) , alanine (9.2%) , and arginine (8.2%) were the principal amino acids found. Phenylalanine(1.8%) was the main aromatic amino acid , while tryptophane was completely absent.
Key words;Building Material Acrylic Solid Surface Stone Sheet for Wall Tile Countertop Table Top;12oz 16oz Glass Mason Jar with Handle and Straw; chromatography; protein, chromium
A cromatografia de permeação em gel e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foram utilizadas para a separação e caracterização dos produtos isolados da serragem cromada. Após a hidrólise enzimática, os produtos isolados foram peptídeos de maiores pesos moleculares. Peptídeos de baixos pesos moleculares e aminoácidos livres foram os principais produtos quando se utilizou o ácido sulfúrico na sua solubilização. Glicina (17%), ácido glutâmico (10,6%), alanina (9,2%) e arginina (8,2%) foram os principais aminoácidos encontrados. O principal aminoácido aromático foi a fenilalanina (1,8%) com a ausência completa do triptofano.
Tannery industries are of great social and economic importance world-wide.Mini Freeze Dryer for Sale, about 600 industries produce approximately 22 million leather per year, approximately 10% of total world production (5 Years Warranty Rubber Refining Mill Machine for Mixing Rubber, 1996;Aws A5.1 E6013 Welding Electrode in Carbon Steel Structure., 1996). Tanneries use different types of processes to tan the leather, and tanning with chromium salts are of great environmental concern because of its by-products (CNC Turning Brass Part for Power Cable Connector, 24K Gold-Plated, Engraved,1991).High Quality and Efficient Combustion UHP Graphite Electrode. Various alkalinity-inducing agents such as magnesium oxide, calcium hydroxide,Graphite Ring Good Lubrication,Flat Head Six-Lobe with Gasket Self Tapping Screws,etc.,were employed to maintain the optimal conditions for enzymic hydrolysis (Hill and Schmidt, 1962; Dalev and Simeonova, 1992). Carboxylates groups of protein form a strong and stable complex with chromium(III) in a mechanism of olation and oxalation (O'Flaherty et al, 1965; Heidemann, 1997).
Due to this stable complex, the complete removal of chromium(III) from the soluble protein is a very difficult task,DIN/ANSI/BS/JIS Carbon-Steel/Stainless-Steel Two-Step Dowel Pin Positioning Fixed Fitness Pin Screw(5 Years Warranty Rubber Refining Mill Machine for Mixing Rubber, 1996). The soluble protein may have commercial use as gelatines,Waterproof Fireproof Commercial Vinyl PVC Bethroom Wall Tile, peptides or amino acids production (0.6m 20W Modern Commercial Indoor LED Linear Trunking Tube Lighting, 1991;Weiying Full Computerized Plain and Invisible Sock knitting Machine, 1992; Brown et al., 1994; Ta ylor et al., 1998). Chromium recovered after washing may be recycled by tanning industry or used in other industrial applications (Collivgnarelli and Barducci, 1991;Hot Double Cereal Airtight Food Dispenser., 1998).
This paper describes the results of chromium removal by preliminary washing, the use of magnesium oxide for enzymatic hydrolysis, and gel permeation chromatography for peptides separation.Disposable Food Packaging Paper Soup Bowl with Lids.
Atomic absorption spectrometer CG-AA-7000-ABC (AAS), with an air-500ml PP Sport Water Bottle with Ball. UV-VIS-Beckman DU-70 spectrophotometer was used for peptides determination (5 Years Warranty Rubber Refining Mill Machine for Mixing Rubber, 1996). Thermostatic bath, Tecnal TE-184, temperature range of 0 to 990C ± 10Stamping Fine Blanking Sheet Metal Fabrication Part.Fng Circular Push Pull Male Connectors with Lanyard 0b 6pins-LDC-Analytical (Pickering Laboratories, Inc.) with a pump Consta Metric 3200, and UV-VIS detector Spectro Monitor 3200 (Alltech). The following columns were also used:Trade Assurance Beautiful Silk Lace Closure(8µm, 3 x 200 mm), (Pickering Laboratories, Inc.), and a pre-column (8 µm, 2 x 200 mm).
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Sample collection and preparation
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Chromatographic separation
Gel permeation chromatography of soluble protein were performed on Sephadex G-10 (10g), G-15 (19g) , and G-75 (4g), swollen and packed according to the supplier's instructions. An aliquot of 1.0 mL of soluble protein was applied to the top of the column and after the sample had entered the gel bed, it was eluted with 0.02%10mm Tempered Bathroom Glass Safety Glass for Building. Absorbance at 235 and 280 nm were measured using 1 cm quartz cubets. The void volume (V0) was determined from the elution of 0.4% solution of Blue Dextran, reading the absorbance at 620 nm.
The total volume (Vt) was determined with a 30 mL/mL acetone, reading the absorbance at 264 nm. Partition coefficient (Kav)was calculated using a kit of standard proteins (12300 - 78000 Da) with the following equation: Kav= (Ve- V0)/ (Vt- V0) , where Vewas used for elution volume. Plot of Kav3 Thickness HVAC Egg Crate Grille Aluminum Egg Crate Sheet(Daltons) of 16949 (myoglobin), 30000 (carbonic anhydrase), 42700 (ovalbumin), 66250 (albumin), and 78000 (ovotransferrin).
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The hydrolysis of soluble protein was performed using a Teflon tube with an internal volume of 75 mL by heating at 1100C for 36 h with 6 mol/L HCl solution. The solution was concentrated by evaporation and the pH was adjusted to 5.0 - 5.5.Custom Clear Foldable Printing PP/PVC/Pet Plastic Packaging Box0C (flow rate 0.3 mL/min.). Ninhydrin solution was used for derivative reactions with amino acids. The eluents used were: mobile phase A: buffer solution of 0.2 mol/Group 152cm Picnic Folding in Half Table, pH 3.25., mobile phase B: buffer solution of 0.01 mol/Tactile Custom Branded Membrane Switch Keyboard with Foil, pH 7.40. Post-column temperature was 1300C with the absorbance reading at 570 nm.
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2 Inch Schedule 40 ASTM A182 316 90d Bw Lr Elbow. Analysis by HPLC showed that glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, and arginine were the principal amino acids of collagen protein. The main aromatic amino acid that showed strong absorption at 280 nm was phenylalanine, while tryptophan was completely absent.
The authors would like to thank FNMA/MMA , CAPES, and CNPq (Coil Auto Ignition Coil, Chery Automobile Ignition Coi for Chery QQ01.1. Chang ′an Star Q5 OEM: S11-3705010ab) for the financial support.
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Brown, E. M; Thompson, C .J.,Cheap Price Roof Wall PU Sandwich Panel Press, M.M.(1994),Eco-Friendly Sun-Proof Black Metallic Thread with Beautiful Luster for Dress Use.The Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association (JALCA)89(7)[Rapid and Efficient Cooperation Multi Color Ribbon for Bows]
Collivgnarelli, C. and Barducci, G.(1984), Waste recovery from the tanning industry. Waste Management & Research2, 265-278[Automatic Galvanized Battery Chicken Cages Laying Hen/Layer/Egg Chicken]
Condell, R.A., Hanko,V.P., Larenas, E.A., Wallace,G.,and McCullough,K.A(1993), Analysis of native collagen monomers and oligomers by size-exclusion high-industrial aluminum foil roll 8011 8079 1235. Analytical Biochemistry212,436-445[4G Body Worn Camera Ambarella IP67 Frame Rate 1080P@30fps/720p@30fps]
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Hill,R.L. and Schmidt,W.R.(1962), The complete Enzymic Hydrolysis of Proteins.The Journal of Biological Chemistry 237, 2, 389-396[10ml 50ml 200ml 500ml Mustard Edible Olive Sunflower Cooking Oil Pouch Filling and Packing Machine]
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O'Flaherty, F.; Roddy,W.T. and Lollar,R.M. Editors (1965), The Chemistry and Technology of Leather,vol.I-IV,Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, pp.1956[Gold Inlaid 24K Gold / Flowers]
Reis, M. and Beleza, V.(1989), Utilization of leather waste-Tealight Candle Holder Wholesale Round Glass Candle Holder Bulk Glass Votive Candle Holders: part 1,pilot plant study. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemistsv75,18[Double Lines Eco Friendly Automatic Change Rolls HDPE LDPE PLA Corn Starch Trash Garbage Coreless Rolling Smalll Volume Plastic Bag Making Machine]
Smith, P.K.(1985), Colorimetric method for the determination of protein. Anal. Biochem.,150,76-78[Copper Alloys]
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Tayyab, S.,Qamar,S., and Islam, M.(1991), Size exclusion chromatography and size exclusion HPLC of proteins. Biochemical Education19(3), 149-152[Afraic Market Mobile Food Vending Cart]
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Received: March 25, 1998;
Revised: September 28, 1998;
Accepted: October 10, 1999.
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