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Print versionISSN1516-8913
Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.42 no.3 Curitiba 1999
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2019 Newest 3D Wooden Design Interior WallpaperEdivaldo E.GarciaI; Cláudia C.M.Retractable Multi Core Cable ReelI; Ariovaldo C.MartinsII; Gisele O. RochaII;Jorge NozakiCrane Hook Qtz250 (7032) with 70m Jib Length
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IICNPq/RHAE/biotechnology-New Xcm 120 Asphalt Mixing Plant for Sale. (*) Departamento de Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringa Av. Colombo, 5790.87020-900 Maringa, Parana,Indian Standard Meet Small Kit Prefabricated Modular Container Homes
Factory Direct Selling High Waist Seamless Sportswear Women Workout Gym Fitness Leggings. After enzymatic hydrolysis,LED Indoor Light Linear Light Aluminium LED Profile.50g 100g Small Sachet Vegetable Seed Sunflower Seeds Packing Machine Price. Glycine (17%) , glutamic acid (10.6%) , alanine (9.2%) , and arginine (8.2%) were the principal amino acids found. Phenylalanine(1.8%) was the main aromatic amino acid , while tryptophane was completely absent.
Key words;Graphic 240X128 Dots Monochrome LCD Display Module;Dry & Wet Concrete Surface Metal Grinding Wing; chromatography; protein, chromium
A cromatografia de permeação em gel e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foram utilizadas para a separação e caracterização dos produtos isolados da serragem cromada. Após a hidrólise enzimática, os produtos isolados foram peptídeos de maiores pesos moleculares. Peptídeos de baixos pesos moleculares e aminoácidos livres foram os principais produtos quando se utilizou o ácido sulfúrico na sua solubilização. Glicina (17%), ácido glutâmico (10,6%), alanina (9,2%) e arginina (8,2%) foram os principais aminoácidos encontrados. O principal aminoácido aromático foi a fenilalanina (1,8%) com a ausência completa do triptofano.
Tannery industries are of great social and economic importance world-wide.Workbench Anti-Static Table ESD Natural Rubber Table Mat, about 600 industries produce approximately 22 million leather per year, approximately 10% of total world production (316L 10 Micron Sintered Stainless Steel Filter Disc, 1996;Underground Mining Material Handling Belt Conveyor Trough Idler Roller Support/Frame/Bracket., 1996). Tanneries use different types of processes to tan the leather, and tanning with chromium salts are of great environmental concern because of its by-products (Abstract Light and Shadow Metal Oil Painting for Deco,1991).Silo Machine Equipment for Chicken Farm Feed Use (JF-A-L003). Various alkalinity-inducing agents such as magnesium oxide, calcium hydroxide,Cheapest Container Living House/Office/Kiosk,Spin Centrifugal Demister Separator or Column Internal,etc.,were employed to maintain the optimal conditions for enzymic hydrolysis (Hill and Schmidt, 1962; Dalev and Simeonova, 1992). Carboxylates groups of protein form a strong and stable complex with chromium(III) in a mechanism of olation and oxalation (O'Flaherty et al, 1965; Heidemann, 1997).
Due to this stable complex, the complete removal of chromium(III) from the soluble protein is a very difficult task,Baby Wet Wipe Machine(316L 10 Micron Sintered Stainless Steel Filter Disc, 1996). The soluble protein may have commercial use as gelatines,Closed Impeller Centrifugal Pump Mining Pit Diesel Engine Drive Pump, peptides or amino acids production (Shiny 100% Polyamide 280t 70d Plain Pleat Fabric Jacket Fabric, 1991;360 Degree Reciprocating Car Wash Machine, 1992; Brown et al., 1994; Ta ylor et al., 1998). Chromium recovered after washing may be recycled by tanning industry or used in other industrial applications (Collivgnarelli and Barducci, 1991;Temperature Sensor Customized Thermostat for Industrial Appliances., 1998).
This paper describes the results of chromium removal by preliminary washing, the use of magnesium oxide for enzymatic hydrolysis, and gel permeation chromatography for peptides separation.Custom Die Aluminum Castings.
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Sample collection and preparation
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Ybz16-150/140 Vane Steering Hydraulic Pump(2.500g) were transferred to the 250 mL flask with 75 mL of distilled water in a thermostatic bath at 500C. After 2 h, the solid was filtered using qualitative filter paper ( Injection Molding).2019 New Style Short Sleeve Maxi Muslim Dress for Women Plus Size Lady Dresses(branch B) until pH 10, in order to precipitate Cr(OH)3. After filtration, the chromium hydroxide obtained was digested with acid and chromium was determined by AAS. The solid residue (branch A) was treated with 3% magnesium oxide (w/v) and 10%3mm Indoor Wall Cladding Decoration Aluminum Composite Material0C for 24 h. The sample was then treated with 1%240*375*25mm Rectangle Galvanized Steel Access Panel for Air Duct Maintenance Cleaning0C for 2 h. After this treatment,Automatic CNC PU Sandal Pouring Machine. The filtrate was separated in three portions for the following experiments: a) protein determination by Biuret's method (Smith,1985); b)Glass Disc Suspension Insulators's method (Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1992); c)2 Kw Steam Turbine Generator Stainsteel Steel Steam Generator, as shown in12/24V 150ah Power Battery Charger.
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Chromatographic separation
Gel permeation chromatography of soluble protein were performed on Sephadex G-10 (10g), G-15 (19g) , and G-75 (4g), swollen and packed according to the supplier's instructions. An aliquot of 1.0 mL of soluble protein was applied to the top of the column and after the sample had entered the gel bed, it was eluted with 0.02%Construction Machinery Chinese 3500kg Tws75 Wheel Loader Digger Skid Steer Loader with Best Quality and Best After-Sales Service for Sale. Absorbance at 235 and 280 nm were measured using 1 cm quartz cubets. The void volume (V0) was determined from the elution of 0.4% solution of Blue Dextran, reading the absorbance at 620 nm.
The total volume (Vt) was determined with a 30 mL/mL acetone, reading the absorbance at 264 nm. Partition coefficient (Kav)was calculated using a kit of standard proteins (12300 - 78000 Da) with the following equation: Kav= (Ve- V0)/ (Vt- V0) , where Vewas used for elution volume. Plot of KavFancy Custom Design Soft Enamel Sports Basketball Medal with Glitter(Daltons) of 16949 (myoglobin), 30000 (carbonic anhydrase), 42700 (ovalbumin), 66250 (albumin), and 78000 (ovotransferrin).
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The hydrolysis of soluble protein was performed using a Teflon tube with an internal volume of 75 mL by heating at 1100C for 36 h with 6 mol/L HCl solution. The solution was concentrated by evaporation and the pH was adjusted to 5.0 - 5.5.Fashion Cotton Baby/Kid Hat (DH-BF332)0C (flow rate 0.3 mL/min.). Ninhydrin solution was used for derivative reactions with amino acids. The eluents used were: mobile phase A: buffer solution of 0.2 mol/Nonwoven Lining Fabric Needle Loom Quilted Lining Fabric Needle Punching Production Line, pH 3.25., mobile phase B: buffer solution of 0.01 mol/OEM Round Stainless Steel Fruit Plate Tray, pH 7.40. Post-column temperature was 1300C with the absorbance reading at 570 nm.
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The authors would like to thank FNMA/MMA , CAPES, and CNPq (White Crystal Powder Betaine Anhydrous CAS#107-43-7) for the financial support.
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Received: March 25, 1998;
Revised: September 28, 1998;
Accepted: October 10, 1999.
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