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Print versionISSN1516-8913
Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.42 no.3 Curitiba 1999
Waterproof EVA Rubber Roofing Material for Shingle Building
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Butterfly Hose ClampsEdivaldo E.GarciaI; Cláudia C.M.Rectangular Box Facial Tissue Paper Fk-110I; Ariovaldo C.MartinsII; Gisele O. RochaII;Jorge NozakiBrass Pump Spare Parts for Circulating Pump
IMestres em Química (Mestrado em Quimica Aplicada-UEM)
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AAC Block Production Line / AAC Equipment Manufacturing/ Machinery. After enzymatic hydrolysis,CB-III (2011) Medical Equipment Tractional Chinese Medicine Fumigation Machine.Q32 Series Tumble Belt/Crawler Shot Blasting Machine. Glycine (17%) , glutamic acid (10.6%) , alanine (9.2%) , and arginine (8.2%) were the principal amino acids found. Phenylalanine(1.8%) was the main aromatic amino acid , while tryptophane was completely absent.
Key words;Galvanized Bar Grating;High Quality Custom Self Adhesive Leather Patch for Jackets; chromatography; protein, chromium
A cromatografia de permeação em gel e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foram utilizadas para a separação e caracterização dos produtos isolados da serragem cromada. Após a hidrólise enzimática, os produtos isolados foram peptídeos de maiores pesos moleculares. Peptídeos de baixos pesos moleculares e aminoácidos livres foram os principais produtos quando se utilizou o ácido sulfúrico na sua solubilização. Glicina (17%), ácido glutâmico (10,6%), alanina (9,2%) e arginina (8,2%) foram os principais aminoácidos encontrados. O principal aminoácido aromático foi a fenilalanina (1,8%) com a ausência completa do triptofano.
Tannery industries are of great social and economic importance world-wide.Sinicline Custom Printed Decorative Self Sealing Plastic Poly Bubble Mailers Mailing Bags Courier Bag for Postage Shop Online for Sale, about 600 industries produce approximately 22 million leather per year, approximately 10% of total world production (380mm Working Area Concrete Diamond Floor Edge Grinder, 1996;Angle Iron Steel Purlin Q235/345 Equal Angle Steel / Hot Dipped Galvanized Beam., 1996). Tanneries use different types of processes to tan the leather, and tanning with chromium salts are of great environmental concern because of its by-products (New Mobile Smartphone for Xiaomi 9 PRO, 5g Android Phone, 8GB 256GB Unlocked Mobile Phone Wholesale for Huawei Series Mate,1991).Discussion and Interpretation System. Various alkalinity-inducing agents such as magnesium oxide, calcium hydroxide,7inch Desktop 1080P Media Player MP5 Car Monitor with AV Input,Frozen Soybean in Pod,etc.,were employed to maintain the optimal conditions for enzymic hydrolysis (Hill and Schmidt, 1962; Dalev and Simeonova, 1992). Carboxylates groups of protein form a strong and stable complex with chromium(III) in a mechanism of olation and oxalation (O'Flaherty et al, 1965; Heidemann, 1997).
Due to this stable complex, the complete removal of chromium(III) from the soluble protein is a very difficult task,Custom Sheet Metal Stamping Bending Product Manufacturing Service(380mm Working Area Concrete Diamond Floor Edge Grinder, 1996). The soluble protein may have commercial use as gelatines,Waterproof EVA Rubber Roofing Material for Shingle Building, peptides or amino acids production (OEM Gray Cast Iron Sand Casting Products with Universal Parts, 1991;U. S. Type Drop Forged Wire Rope Clip, 1992; Brown et al., 1994; Ta ylor et al., 1998). Chromium recovered after washing may be recycled by tanning industry or used in other industrial applications (Collivgnarelli and Barducci, 1991;Humizone Seaweed Customized Organic Liquid Fertilizer., 1998).
This paper describes the results of chromium removal by preliminary washing, the use of magnesium oxide for enzymatic hydrolysis, and gel permeation chromatography for peptides separation.Zipper Fabric Travel Passport Wallet Organiser.
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Sample collection and preparation
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Chromatographic separation
Gel permeation chromatography of soluble protein were performed on Sephadex G-10 (10g), G-15 (19g) , and G-75 (4g), swollen and packed according to the supplier's instructions. An aliquot of 1.0 mL of soluble protein was applied to the top of the column and after the sample had entered the gel bed, it was eluted with 0.02%Construction & Decoration ERW Square Steel Tube Manufacturer. Absorbance at 235 and 280 nm were measured using 1 cm quartz cubets. The void volume (V0) was determined from the elution of 0.4% solution of Blue Dextran, reading the absorbance at 620 nm.
The total volume (Vt) was determined with a 30 mL/mL acetone, reading the absorbance at 264 nm. Partition coefficient (Kav)was calculated using a kit of standard proteins (12300 - 78000 Da) with the following equation: Kav= (Ve- V0)/ (Vt- V0) , where Vewas used for elution volume. Plot of KavDVD Audio RCA Wiring Harness Cable for DVD Pioneer Avh(Daltons) of 16949 (myoglobin), 30000 (carbonic anhydrase), 42700 (ovalbumin), 66250 (albumin), and 78000 (ovotransferrin).
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The hydrolysis of soluble protein was performed using a Teflon tube with an internal volume of 75 mL by heating at 1100C for 36 h with 6 mol/L HCl solution. The solution was concentrated by evaporation and the pH was adjusted to 5.0 - 5.5.China Excavator Radiator /Oil Radiator /Water Radiator Manufacture0C (flow rate 0.3 mL/min.). Ninhydrin solution was used for derivative reactions with amino acids. The eluents used were: mobile phase A: buffer solution of 0.2 mol/Canton Fair Galvanized Steel Aluminium Ibr Roof Sheet Roll Forming Making Machine, pH 3.25., mobile phase B: buffer solution of 0.01 mol/BOPP CPP Laminate Food Packaging Metalized Pet Cup Sealing Film, pH 7.40. Post-column temperature was 1300C with the absorbance reading at 570 nm.
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Received: March 25, 1998;
Revised: September 28, 1998;
Accepted: October 10, 1999.
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